Kent | Surrey | Sussex
Charing Races
Sunday 2nd February 2025
Preparations are underway for the first Charing Races. How can you get involved?
Pencil the date in your diaries, let your friends know the date too.
Advertise in the race card.
Display a banner in the parade ring or on entrance/exit gate.
Sponsor a race.
Sponsor tack and turnout prizes
Do you have an amount in mind?
Contact Sally Bowman 07966464152 hubblesfarm@hotmail.com
2025 Race Diary
2nd february | charing | sehc
23rd february | Charing | SEHC
16th March | Penshurst | OSB &WK
29th march | Parham | c&h
12th April | Penshurst | osb
26th april | parham | clch
3rd may | godstone | msfd
17th | peper harow | su
Click Below to buy tickets for each venue
Charing Point to Point
Godstone Point to Point
Parham Point to Point
Penshurst Point to Point
Peper Harow Point to Point
Race Course &
Supporter videos.
Browse through our videos shot at South East point to point courses.
Rider & Horse Profiles.
The latest media to keep you informed.
Have a look at our diary to see the upcoming races.